The ideal outcome looks refreshed, natural, and beautiful.

When under the care of Dr. Chamata, your neck lift will be performed with ultimate precision for a result that appears entirely natural -- refreshed, refined, and elegant.

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woman in a black dress with a red lipstick and earrings

Is it time for a neck lift?

If any of the following aesthetic issues plague you, it may be time to consider a surgical neck lift. For some people, a neck lift is an ideal approach, particularly to resolve the following issues:

  • Excess sagging skin
  • Creases and wrinkles
  • Double chin fat
  • Fatty upper neck
  • Vertical neck bands
  • Neck muscle separation
  • Crepey neck skin
  • Lack of youthful definition at the jawline
  • Loss of a youthful cervicomental angle

Your custom neck lift from Dr. Chamata

Dr. Edward Chamata performs custom neck lifts in Houston. He is an exceptionally talented and board-certified plastic surgeon, artist, and sculptor. His eye for balance, harmony, and structure is truly extraordinary. Along with an artist’s eye, he has trained under some of the world’s most revered plastic surgeons and performs neck lift surgery with the latest techniques.

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Vertical neck bands? We can help

You may have generally firm neck skin but still be plagued by vertical neck bands, known as platysmal bands, that appear whenever you speak or make a facial expression.

A specialized surgical procedure called a platysmaplasty can be performed to smooth these bands and create a more youthful look to your neck structure.

This procedure involves a hidden incision beneath your chin or, in some cases, hidden around the ears. This approach may be the ideal way to restore your look and your confidence!

Neck lift techniques: What’s right for you?

You deserve a custom-tailored treatment with a specialized surgical plan that addresses your unique condition. A neck lift may involve several techniques:


You may require gentle, custom lipo to remove fatty deposits lodged beneath your chin or on your upper neck.


If your aesthetic problem is related to sagging skin, with unsightly wrinkles, lines, and creases, a cervicoplasty removes excess skin through a small incision beneath your chin and behind your earlobe.


Your neck structure is supported by a thin sheet of muscles called the “platysma,” appearing on both sides of the neck. The connection between the two muscle sheets can weaken, creating the dreaded “turkey neck.” Unsightly creases and lines appear, along with vertical neck bands and a double chin, which can all be corrected with this custom neck lift technique.

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Advanced neck lift in Houston: Look years younger!

You may feel less confident due to an aging neck, ready to do something effective. The most important factor to consider is the skills, techniques, and reputation of your plastic surgeon. Dr. Chamata is deeply committed to his patients and customizes every neck lift. He practices his art with integrity and honesty, offering a free consultation to speak with you, evaluate your neck, and advise you of the ideal approach for you.

Neck lift recovery how long does it take?

You should plan for about one week to rest and recover, although healing rates vary from person to person. A neck lift is an outpatient procedure performed at our state-of-the-art onsite clinic. We are fully equipped with the most advanced patient health and safety protocols. Once you are released to the care of another adult, you will want to go home and just sleep for the rest of the day.

You must keep your head elevated on a wedge or extra pillows. Once the effect of anesthesia wears off, it is normal to feel some discomfort, which can be managed with prescription medication in the early days. Dr. Chamata will be carefully monitoring your recovery and will see you for a follow-up a few days after surgery.

You should feel well enough to return to work or other activities within about a week, but you should limit your activities and take it easy. You may have some mild lingering swelling or bruising. After about four to six weeks, your results should be visible, and Dr. Chamata will allow you to return to more vigorous physical activities such as sports or exercise.

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Why choose Dr. Edward Chamata? 

Dr. Chamata is a talented artist, with his medical illustrations and original artwork appearing in several medical journals. With years of training as an artist and sculptor, he brings the eye of a true artist to every neck lift he performs. His integrity, honesty, and dedication to his patients are truly extraordinary, and he has quickly garnered a reputation for his excellent results in advanced facial plastic surgery.

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